Wednesday, January 14, 2009


After talking to Katie I have become more convinced of the need to research the use of digital mapping. I want to create a map which tells you about what has happened somewhere in the past, and also talks about what might happen in the future: I was thinking that this would be either a physical map that you fold out (on paper) and take with you, or signage which you happen across in the place. Mediascaping seems to offer the ability to almost do the two things at once, and seems very exciting. Using a GPS (Global positioning system) and a PDA (Personal digital assistant) I could create an experiential walk that people can download and then take (without me having to be there.) As the walker enters particular zones on the route certain pieces of information, sounds and images pop up on the screen of their PDA. I don't know whether the technology will be beyond me, but I will try to learn how to use it in time for the end of the action research in March: in order to leave a downloadable walk on this site, as a legacy for this research period. Creatascape appears to be the best place to look first - offering software and help on creating a mediascape.

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